About Us
Flip sport australia is a privately run sporting institution, providing school students with opportunities to learn and develop a wide variety of age-appropriate skills.
This is delivered using exceptional equipment, intelligent lesson formatting and outstanding coach instruction. Programs are completed during school hours - typiclaly in the school hall.
We envourage each child to develop a diverse range of skills - increasing their desire (and ability) to persue new sporting experiences. Students are empowered with the necessary knowledge, strength, flexibility and skills to success - while improving fitness levels.
We have built a professional reputation in the industry for leading-edge programming and quality coaching
...for EVERY student.

from Sydney to the Sunshine Coast

"...Programs have been developed for each level and show a clear understanding of thew developmental stages of children as well as links to the PDHPE syllabus. Each class teacher is given a comprehensive outline of the semester program and clear reports for parents. The coaches act as positive role-models for the students. A range of high quality equipment is used and the students are fully engaged at all times, rather than waiting in lines..."